Table of contents
A.V. GRINEVICH1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), A.A. KISELEV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
2, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering); A.I. RYASHKO1
, Engineer
1 OAO “Scientific Research Institute for Fertilisers and Insectofungicide named after professor Ya.V. Samoylov”
(55/1, Leninsky Ave. 119333, Moscow, Russian Federation)
2 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Hwy, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Gypsum Binder from α-СаSO4*
0,5Н2О – Waste of Extraction Phosphoric Acid Production
Results of the study of OAO “NIUIF” aimed at obtaining of gypsum binders directly from alfa-hemihydrate of calcium sulfate (alfa-HCS) – waste of wet-process phosphoric acid produced
from Kola apatite concentrate and poor raw materials from Karatau (Koksu Deposit) without changing the phase composition of waste alfa-HCS by the dehydrate-hemihydrate method
are presented. In relation to the Kola apatite concentrate a new variant of dehydrate-hemihydrate process with high tempearature dehydrate stage has been developed. Principal process
scheme has been developed; characteristics of basic equipment have been defined; proposals for organization of production of gypsum binder of 150–200 ths tn per year capacity with
organization of the dehydrate-hemihydrate process on the existing dehydrate system of wet-process phosphoric acid production at Balakovsky branch of OAO “Apatite”.
Keywords: wet-process phosphoric acid, phosphogypsum, dehydrate-hemihydrate process, gypsum binders, alfa-hemihydrate of calcium sulfate.
1. Evenchik S.D., Brodskii A.A. Tekhnologiya fosfornykh i
kompleksnykh udobrenii. [Technology of phosphoric and
complex fertilizers]. Moscow: Khimiya. 1987. 464 p.
2. Grinevich A.V., Kuznecov E.M., Davydenko V.V.,
Kerzhner A.M., Grinevich V.A., Kaleev I.A.,
Knizhencev I.A., Shibanov E.Ju., Perekrestov V.P.
Experience of reconstruction of hemi-hydrate sys
tems of production of WPA on JSC «Ammophos» and
introductions of hemi-hydrate process on JSC
«Balakovo mineral Fertilizers». Works NIUIF: collec
tion of scientific works. Moscow: NIUIF. 2009, pp.
250–264. (In Russian).
3. Grinevich A.V., Kiselev A.A., Kuznecov E.M., Shibanov
E.Ju., Didenko N.A. Development and deployment on
JSC Ammophos of an advanced dihydrate way of receiv
ing WPA with use of the COPEE RUST reactor. Works
NIUIF: collection of scientific works. Moscow: NIUIF.
2009, pp. 277–287. (In Russian).
4. Becker P. Phosphates and Phosphoric Acid: Raw materi
als – Technology, and Economics of the Wet-Process.
New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1989. 740 p.
5. Grinevich A.V., Klassen P.V., Karmyshev V.F. Modern
industrial methods of production of wet phosphoric acid
abroad. Himicheskaja promyshlennost’ za rubezhom. 1986.
No. 1, pp. 1–31. (In Russian).
6. Patent RF №2333151. Sposob polucheniya ekstraktsionnoi
fosfornoi kisloty [Way of receiving wet phosphoric acid].
Grinevich A.V., Kerzhner A.M., Grinevich V.A.,
Kuznecov E.M., Kiselev A.A., Declared 04.06.2007.
Published 10.09.2008. Bulletin No. 25. (In Russian).
7. Kiperman Yu.A. Fosfaty v XXI veke [Phosphates in the
XXI century]. Almaty-Taraz-Zhanatas. 2006. 208 p.
8. Eurasion patent № 015776. Sposob polucheniya ekstrakt
sionnoi fosfornoi kisloty [Way of receiving wet phos
phoric acid]. Grinevich A.V., Davydenko V.V., Kise
lеv A.A., Kerzhner A.M., Kuznecov E.M., Grinevich
V.A. Declared 21.07.2009. Published 30.12.2011. (In
, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering); R.I. SHIGAPOV
, Engineer; V.V. BABKOV
, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
1 Research Institute of Building Physics of RAACS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)
2 OOO «Ufimskaya gipsovaya kompaniya» (8, Proizvodstvennaya Street, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 450069, Russian Federation)
3 Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (1, Kosmonavtov Street, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 450062, Russian Federation)
Heat-Insulating Foamed Gypsum in Low-Rise Construction
Technical and technological aspects of receiving and application of heat-insulating foamed gypsum in designs of external walls are considered. An experience in construction and opera
tion of low-rise houses with external walls from foamed gypsum is given. Physical and mechanical characteristics of the foamed gypsum received at the ETS-0.5 plant are investigated.
Results of experimental definitions of thermo-technical indicators of foamed gypsum heat-insulating material are presented. Results of the full-scale study of dynamics of natural drying
of a heat-insulation layer from foamed gypsum in external walls of houses are given. Suggestions about improvement of technology of monolithic low-rise housing construction with
foamed gypsum application are developed.
Keywords: foamed gypsum, permanent formwork, heat-insulation layer, external walls, low-rise buildings.
1. Babkov V.V., Latypov V.M., Lomakina L.N. Shigapov R.I.
Modified gypsum binders of high water resistance and gypsum-
claydite-concrete wall blocks for low-rise housing construction
on their basis. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2012. No. 7, pp. 4–7. (In Russian).
2. Rakhimov R.Z., Haliullin M.I. State and tendencies of
development of the gypsum building materials industry.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010.
No. 12, pp. 44–46. (In Russian).
3. Shigapov R.I., Babkov V.V., Yurpik V.A. Materials from
the modified plaster low houses knitting for external
walls. Materials VI of the International scientific and practical
conference “Increase of Production Efficiency and
Application of Plaster Materials and Products”. Perm.
2012, pp. 208–212. (In Russian).
4. Ferronskaya A.V., Korvyakov V.F., Baranov I.M.,
Buryanov A.F., Losev Yu.G. Poplavsky V.V., Shishin
A.V. Gips v maloetazhnom stroitel’stve [Plaster in low
construction]. Moscow: ASV. 2008. 240 p.
5. Mirsayev R.N., Babkov V.V., Nedoseka I.V., Pechenkina
T.V. Experience of production and operation of plaster
wall products. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2008. No. 3, pp. 78–80. (In Russian).
6. Shigapov R.I., Babkov V.V., Haliullin M.I. Foamed gypsum
use in low construction. Izvestiya KGASU. 2014.
No. 2, pp. 45–50. (In Russian).
7. Pustovgar A.P., Gagulayev A.V. Heat physical characteristics
designs from modified gypsum-cell concret.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2008. No.
7, pp. 34–35. (In Russian).
8. Patent RF 2373049. Porizatsionnyi smesitel’ dlya prigotovleniya
yacheistykh smesei [The Mixer for porization for
preparation of cellular mixes]. Yefimov P.A. declared
04.05.2008. Published 20.11.2009. Bulletin No. 32. (In
9. Bessonov I.V. Characteristics of moisture transfer of
foamed gypsum. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2012 . No. 7, pp. 34–37. (In Russian).
M.S. GARKAVI1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), A.V. ARTAMONOV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
E.V. KOLODYAZHNAYA1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering); A.F. BURIANOV2, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
1 ZAO “Ural-Omega” (structure 7, 89, Lenina Avenu, Magnitogorsk, 455037, Chelyabinskaya Oblast, Russian Federation);
2 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Highway, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Composite Anhydrite-Slag Binder of Centrifugal-Impact Grinding
Anhydrite binders are an alternative to clinker cement due to the low energy consumption of their production. The basis of these binders is natural anhydrite or anthropogenic products
containing waterless calcium sulphate. Hydraulic activity of anhydrite is ensured with its fine grinding and the use of hardening activators. As an activator of anhydrite hardening in this
work, the waste aluminous slag, in chemical composition of which alumina oxide (50–75%) and calcium oxide (15–25%) prevail, are used. It is established that the hardening of the
composite anhydrite binder is defined by its grain composition and concentration of defects on the particles surface. Ensuring the predominant particle size of 15 microns with high
content of surface active centers is reached by grinding of components of the composite binder in a centrifugal-impact mill. Mechanical activation and mechanical-chemical interaction
of anhydrite and aluminous slag takes place in this mill. It is shown that when the content of aluminous slag in the composition of composite binder is up to 30%, the content of ettringite
in the structure of the artificial stone increases that leads to its strength growth.
Keywords: anhydrite binder, hydraulic activity of anhydrite, centrifugal-impact mill, mechanical activatio
1. Svatovskaya L.B., Sychev M.M. Aktivirovannoe tverdenie
tsementov [The activated curing of cements].
Leningrad.: Stroiizdat 1983. 160 p.
2. Vorob’ev V.V., Kushka V.N., Svitov V.S., Garkavi M.S.
Modern equipment for crushing and classification of materials.
Vestnik BGTU. 2003. No. 6, pp. 280–284.
3. Altykis M.G., Rakhimov R.Z., Khaliullin M.I., Morozov
V.P. Development of theoretical bases and creation of
new generation high-quality, economic and environmentally
friendly plaster knitting and materials. Collection of
works of the Vserosskiysky seminar “Increase of production
efficiency and application of plaster materials and products”.
Moscow. 2002, pp. 138–142.
V.B. PETROPAVLOVSKAYA1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), T.B. NOVICHENKOVA1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering);
A.F. BURIANOV2, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering); H.-B. FISHER3, Doctor-Еngineer; K.S. PETROPAVLOVSKY1, Еngineer
1 Tver State Technical University (22, Afanasiya Nikitina Embankment, 170026, Tver, Russian Federation)
2 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Highway, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)
3 Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (8, Geshvister-Sholl Street, Weimar, 99423, Germany)
Self-Reinforcing Gypsum Composites
With the purpose to improve physical and mechanical characteristics of gypsum materials and products the possibility of their self-reinforcement due to the formation of crystal of
fibrous ettringite in the gypsum matrix has been studied. Results of the study of influence of pore liquid alkalinity on the morphology of ettringite crystals obtained are presented.
Solutions of aluminum sulphate and calcium hydroxide were used as a complex additive. It is established that the solution of aluminum sulfate is a factor regulating the quantity of ettringite
generated. Processes of crystallization of disperse systems are also studied. An analysis of microstructure of modified gypsum stone shows that in case of the use of the complex
additive the composite structure consists of tabular crystals of gypsum and needle-shaped crystals of ettringite. It is established that the use of the complex additive on the basis of aluminum
sulfate and calcium hydroxide makes it possible to increase the strength of gypsum materials by over 80% without significant loss of density.
Keywords: gypsum matrix, ettringite, modifying additive.
1. Belov V.V., Bur’yanov A.F., Yakovlev G.I., Petropavlovskaya
V.B., Fisher H.-B., Maeva I.S., Novichenkova T.B.
Modifikacija struktury i svojstv stroitel’nyh kompozitov na
osnove sul’fata kal’cija [Modification of structure and properties
of construction composites based on calcium sulfate].
Мoscow: De Nova. 2012. 196 p.
2. Babkov V.V., Latypov V.M., Lomakina L.N., Shigapov
R.I. Modified plaster knitting with increased water resistance
and gypsum haydite-concrete wall blocks for low
housing construction. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2012. No. 7, pp. 4–8. (In Russian).
3. Safonova T.Ju. Influence reactive puzzolan on properties
of the mixed air knitting. Vestnik grazhdanskih inzhenerov.
2012. No. 2, pp. 174–179. (In Russian).
4. Garkavi M.S., Panfjorova A.Ju., Nekrasova S.A.,
Mihajlova K.A. Structure formation of nanomodified
gypsumpolimer material. Suhie stroitel’nye smesi. 2013.
No. 2, pp. 38–40. (In Russian).
5. Lesovik V.S., Chernysheva N.V., Klimenko V.G.
Structurization processes of the gipsum-containing components
considering raw materials genesis. Izvestija vuzov.
Stroitel’stvo. 2012. No. 4, pp. 3–11. (In Russian).
6. Kuz’mina V.P. Way of introduction basalt fiber in composite
materials. Nanotekhnologii v stroitel’stve: scientific
internet-journal. 2011. No. 2, pp. 59–64.
RUS.pdf (date of access 10.06.2014). (In Russian).
7. Garkavi M.S., Nekrasova S.A., Troshkina E.A. Kinetics
of contacts formation in the nanomodified gypsum materials.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials].
2013. No. 2. pp. 38–40. (In Russian).
8. Maeva I.S., Jakovlev G.I., Pervushin G.N., Bur’yanov A.F.,
Pustovgar A.P. Structuring of anhydrite matrix by nanodisperse
modifying additives. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2009. No. 6, pp. 4–5. (In Russian).
9. Kozlova V.K., Vol’f A.V. Analysis of the reasons of late
emergence ettringite in a cement stone. Polzunovskij vestnik.
2009. No. 3, pp. 176–181. (In Russian).
10. Chernysheva N.V., Lesovik V.S. Bystrotverdejushhie
kompozity na osnove vodostojkih gipsovyh vjazhushhih
[Quick-hardening composites basen on the waterproof
plaster knitting]. Belgorod: BGTU. 2011. 100 p.
V.N. DEREVYANKO1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), A.G. CHUMAK1, Еngineer; V.E. VAGANOV2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
1 Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (24a, Chernyshevskogo Street, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine)
2 Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs (87, Gorkogo Street, 600000, Vladimir, Russian Federation)
Impact of Nanoparticles on Processes of Hydration of Hemihydrate Gypsum
Study of mechanisms of structure formation of gypsum binders with the use of nano-modifying additives makes it possible to control the processes of production of gypsum materials
and products made of them with the specified complex of properties. Studies in the field of modification of a gypsum binder matrix have been conducted; the influence of multi-layered
carbon nanotubes on hydration processes, structure and physical-mechanical properties of composites obtained has been studied.
Keywords: nanomodofication, structure formation, gypsum binders, carbon nanotubes.
1. Korolev E.V., Bazhenov Yu.M., Beregovoi V.A.
Modifying of construction materials by nanocarbon
tubes and fullerenes. Stroitel’nye Materialy. NAUKA
[Construction Materials. SCIENCE]. 2006. No. 8,
pp. 2–4. (In Russian).
2. Bazhenov Yu.M., Korolev E.V. Estimation of technical
and economic efficiency of nanotechnologies in building
materiology. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2009. No. 6, pp. 66–67. (In Russian).
3. Shapovalov N.A., Strokova V.V., Cherevatova A.V.
Management of structure and properties of the highconcentrated
disperse systems with use of nanoprocesses
and technologies. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe
stroitel’stvo. 2007. No. 8, pp. 17–18. (In Russian).
4. Yakovlev G.I., Pervushin G.N., Maeva I.S., Korzhenko
A., Bur’yanov A.F., Machyulaytis R. Modification of
anhydrite compositions with multilayer carbon nanotubes.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials].
2010. No. 7, pp. 25–27. (In Russian).
5. Li G.Y., Wang P.M., Zhao X. Pressure-sensitive and
microstructure of carbon nanotube reinforced cement
composites. Cement and Concrete Research. 2007. Vol. 29
(5), pp. 377–382.
6. Eremin A.V., Pustovgar A.P. Up-to-date approaches to
x-ray phase analysis of gypsum binders. Stroitel’nye
Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 7,
pp. 62–63. (In Russian).
7. Chaipanich A., Nochaiya T., Wongkeo W., Torkittikul P.
Compressive strength and microstructure of carbon
nanotubes – fly ash cement composites. Materials Science
and Engineering. A 527. 2010, pp.1063–1067.
8. Yakovlev G.I., Pervushin G.N., Korzhenko A., Bur’yanov
A.F., Pudova I.A., Lushnikova A.A. Modification of
cement concretes with multilayer carbon nanotubes.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2011.
No. 2, pp. 47–51. (In Russian).
9. Maeva I.S., Yakovlev G.I., Pervushin G.N., Bur’yanov
A.F., Pustovgar A.P. Structuring of anhydrite matrix
with nanodisperse modifying additives. Stroitel’nye
Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2009. No. 6,
pp. 4–5. (In Russian).
10. Gordina А.F., Tokarev Yu.V., Yakovlev G.I., Keriene
Ya., Spudulis E. Differences in forming the structure of
gypsum binder modified by carbon nanotubes and lime.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013.
No. 2, pp. 34–37. (In Russian).
11. Strokova V.V., Cherevatova A.V., Zhernovsky I.V.,
Voytovich E.V. Peculiarities of phase formation in a composite
nanostructured gypsum binder. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 7, pp. 9–11.
(In Russian).
O.V. IZRYADNOVA1, Master, G.I. YAKOVLEV1, Doctor of sciences (Engineering), I.S. POLYANSKIKH1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering);
H.-B. FISHER2, Doctor-Engineer; S.A. SENKOV3, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
1 Izhevsk State Technical University Named after M.T. Kalashnikov (7, Studencheskaya Street, 426000, Izhevsk, Russian Federation)
2 Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (8, Geshvister-Sholl Street, Weimar, 99423, Germany)
3 Perm State National Research University (15, Bukireva Street, 614990, Perm, Russian Federation)
Change of Morphology of Crystal Hydrates at Incorporation of Ultra- and Nano Disperse Modifiers Structures
into Gypsum Cement-Pozzolana Binders
A possibility to use the micro-silica in combination with carbon nanostructures as modifiers favoring the change of morphology of new formations in the structure of gypsum cementpozzolana
compositions is considered. The influence of a complex additive on the basis of ultra-and nano-disperse modifiers on physical-mechanical properties of compositions is
shown. It is established that the incorporation of carbon nano-systems in combination with micro-silica and Portland cement influences on the formation of the structure of gypsum
crystals. Data of physical-technical tests show the growth of strength in the course of compression by 42% and improvement of water resistance by 39%. The obtained data prove the
prospectivity of modification of gypsum binders with ultra-and nano-disperse additives.
Keywords: gypsum cement-pozzolana binders, morphology, dispersion, crystalline hydrate, multilayer nano-tubes, micro-silica.
1. Ferronskaya A.V. Dolgovechnost’ gipsovykh materialov,
izdelii i konstruktsii [Durability of gypsum materials,
products and designs]. Moscow: Stroiizdat. 1984. 256 p.
2. Shishkin A.V., Sementovskii Yu.V. Mineral’noe syr’e. Gips i
angidrit. [Mineral raw materials. Plaster and anhydrite].
Moscow: Geoinformmark. 1998. 23 p.
3. Bondarenko S.A. Modified fluorineangidrit binder and
construction materials based on it. Cand. Diss.
(Engineering). Chelyabinsk. 2008. 146 p. (In Russian).
4. Volzhensky A.V., Rogovoi M.I., Stambulko V.I.
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5. Hela R., Marsalova J. Posssibilities of nanotechnology in
concrete. Nanotechnology for green and sustainable construction:
Proceedings of the II International Conference.
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6. Mahmoud M.M.H., Rashad M.M., Ibrahim I.A., Abdel-
Aal E.A. Crystal modification of calcium sulfate dehydrate
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Crystal Growth. 2004. Vol. 270. No. 1, pp. 99–105.
7. Gaiducis S., Zvironaite Ja., Maciulaitis R., Jakovlev G.
Resistance of phosphogypsum cement pozzolanic compositions
against the influence of water. Materials Science
(Medziagotyra). 2011. Vol. 17. No. 3, pp. 308–313.
8. Brykov A.S., Kamaliev R.T., Mokeev M.V. Influence of ultradisperse
silicon dioxides on portlandtsement hydration. Zhurnal
prikladnoi khimii. 2010. No 2, pp. 211–216. (In Russian)
9. Quercia G., Lazaro A., Geus J.W., Brouwers H.J.H.
Characterization of morphology and texture of several
amorphous nano-silica particles used in concrete. Cement
& Concrete Composites. 2013. No. 44, pp. 77–92.
10. Yakovlev G.I., Kerene Ya., Maeva I.S., Hazeev D.R.,
Pudov I.A. Influence of dispersions of multi-walled carbon
nanotubes on the structure of silica aerated autoclaved.
Intellektual’nye sistemy v proizvodstve. 2012. No. 2,
pp. 180–186. (In Russian).
11. Sobolkina A., Mechtcherine V., Bellmann C., Khavrus V.,
Oswald S., Hampel S., Leonhardt A. Surface properties
of CNTs and their interaction with silica. Journal of
Colloid and Interface Science. 2014. No. 413, pp. 43–53.
12. Mridul Garg, Aakanksha Pundir. Investigation of properties
of fluorogypsum-slag composite binders – hydration,
strength and microstructure. Cement & Concrete
Composites. 2014. No. 45, pp. 227–233.
13. Patent № 2 969 143. C 04 B 16/12 (2012.01), C 04 B
28/00. Procede D’introduction de nanocharges carbonees
dans un inorganique durcissable. Korzhenko A.,
Havel M., Gaillard P., Yakovlev G.I., Pervuchin G.N.,
Oreshkin D.V. Published 22.06.12. Bulletin 12/25.
14. Yakovlev G.I., Pervushin G.N., Maeva I.S., Korzhenko
A., Bur’yanov A.F., Machyulaitis R. Modification of anhydrite
compositions with multilayer carbon nanotubes.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010.
No. 7, pp. 25–27. (In Russian).
15. Singh L.P., Karade S.R., Bhattacharyya S.K.,
Yousuf M.M., Ahalawat S. Beneficial role of nanosilica
in cement based materials. A review Construction and
Building Materials. 2013. No. 47, pp. 1069–1077.
A.R. GAYFULLIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), M.I. KHALIULLIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
R.Z RAKHIMOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Corresponding Member of RAACS
Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (1, Zelenaya Street, 420043, Kazan, Russian Federation)
Composition and Structure of Composite Gypsum Binder Stone with Lime and Hybrid Mineral Additive
The influence of a hybrid mineral additive which includes anthropogenic products – claydite dust and granulated blast-furnace slag in quantities of 20 and 30% of building gypsum
mass – on the composition, structure and basic physical and mechanical properties of artificial stone on the basis of composite gypsum binder has been investigated. The incorporation
of the hybrid mineral additive in combination with additives of lime and superplasticizer into the composition of building gypsum makes it possible to produce the artificial stone with
more dense and fine-grained structure comparing with an initial binder without additives. The appearance of low-basic calcium hydro-silicates which fill the porous space, compact the
stone structure, create additional contacts in the basic matrix, protect splices of gypsum crystals against dissolution is observed. The part of closed pores in the porous structure of
stone on the basis of composite gypsum binder increases. Due to the incorporation of hybrid mineral additive the artificial stone on the basis of composite gypsum binder after 28 days
of hardening under normal conditions has the compression strength of 30.5 Mpa, and softening index of 0.92.
Keywords: claydite dust, blast-furnace slag, hybrid mineral additive, composite gypsum binder, artificial gypsum stone.
1. Habert G., Choupay N., Escadeillas G., Guillaume D.,
Montel J.M. Clay content of argillites: Influence on cement
based mortars. Applied Clay Science. 2009. Vol. 43.
No. 3–4, pp. 322–330.
2. Fernandez R., Martirena F., Scrivener K.L. The origin of the
pozzolanic activity of calcined clay minerals: A comparison
between kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite. Cement and
Concrete Research. 2011. Vol. 41. No. 1, pp. 113–122.
3. Tironi A., Tpecca M., Sian A., Irassar E.F. Thermal activation
of kaolinic clays. Tsement i ego primenenie. 2012.
No. 12, pp. 145–148. (In Russian).
4. Vitruvii M. Desyat’ knig ob arkhitekture [Ten books about architecture].
Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Akademii arkhitektury. 1936. 331 p.
5. Gorin V.M., Tokareva S.A., Sukhov V.Yu., Nekhaev P.F.,
Avakova V.D., Romanov N.M. Expansion of scopes
of ceramsite gravel. Stroitel’nye materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2003. No. 11, pp. 19–21. (In Russian).
6. Bazhenov Yu.M., Dem’yanova V.S., Kalashnikov V.N.
Modifitsirovannye vysokokachestvennye betony [The modified
high-quality concrete]. Moscow: ASV. 2006. 368 p.
7. Batrakov V.G. Modifitsirovannye betony. Teoriya i praktika
[The modified concrete. Theory and practice].
Moscow: Tekhnoproekt. 1998. 768 p.
8. Antoni M., Rossen J., Martirena F., Scrivener K. Cement substitution
by a combination of metakaolin and limestone. Cement
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9. Gomez-Zamorano L., Lozano-Vargas I. Investigation of
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a Sustainable Future XIII ICCC International Congress on
the Chemistry of Cement. Madrid. 2011, pр. 56.
10. Rakhimov R.Z., Khaliullin M.I., Gayfullin A.R. Composite
Gypsum Binders with the Use of Claydite Dust and
Blast-Furnace Slags. Stroitel’nye materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2012. No. 7, pp. 13–16. (In Russian).
S.A. NEKRASOVA1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), M.S. GARKAVI2, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering); E.N. BULDYZHOVA3, Master
1 Magnitogorsk State Technical University (38, Lenina Avenue, 455000, Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation)
2 ZAO “Ural-Omega” (Structur 7, 19, Lenina Avenue, 455037, Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation)
3 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Highway, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Dry Building Mixes on the Basis of Stabilized Gypsum Binder
The accumulated experience in production and application of dry gypsum mixes shows that basic technical properties of gypsum solutions depend on the type of gypsum binder which
is used in the compositions of dry mixes. In the course of storing of ready gypsum binder under different humidity conditions the change of its properties takes place. One of the efficient
methods for improving building-technical properties is artificial aging of gypsum binders under rational conditions. An influence of the artificially aged gypsum binder on properties
of plaster and putty dry building mixes has been studied. It is established that the process of artificial aging of the gypsum binder under rational conditions makes it possible to reduce
the consumption of functional additives and improve the properties of dry gypsum mixes.
Keywords: aging of gypsum binder, dry building mixes, artificial aging of gypsum binder
1. Nekrasov S.A., Garkavi M.S., Panferova A.Y. Effect of
artificial agingtion on the structure of gypsum. Stroitel’nye
Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 7, pp.
24–25. (In Russian).
2. Pogorelov S.A. Physico-chemical basis of aging plaster
substances. Modern problems of building materials: Materials
of the VIIth Academic readings of RAACS. International
Scientific and Technical Conference. Belgorod: BGTASM.
2001. Vol. 1, pp. 438-441. (In Russian).
3. Nekrasova S.A., Garkavi M.S., Troshkina E.A., Fisher
H.-B. Influence of artificial ageing conditions on the
properties of gypsum binders. 2 Weimar Gypsum
Conference. Weimar. 2014, pp. 295–301.
4. Altykis M.G. Experimental and theoretical fundamentals
of composites and multiphase gypsum binders for dry
construction mixtures and materials. Dr. Diss.
(Engineering). Kazan. 2003. 435 p. (In Russian).
5. Fisher H.-B. Nizkoobozhzhennye calcium sulfate hemihydrate
and water absorption. Zement i ego primenenie.
2005. No. 4, pp. 39–42. (In Russian).
6. Garkavi M., Nekrasova S., Melchaeva O., Garkavi S., Fischer
H.-B., Nowak S. Thermodynamic explanation of rational
conditions of the “aging” of plaster binder: 18 ibausil.
Internationale Baustofftagung. Weimar. 2012. pp. 1-0741-0748.
7. Dergunov S.A. Integrated approach to designing formulations
of dry building mixes general construction purposes.
Cand. Diss. (Engineering). Samara. 2006. 206 p. (In Russian).
Innovative Production of Gypsum on GIPS AD
1. Wetegrove H. The Claudius Peters Homogenizer: Cost
cutting plaster production technology. Global Gypsum
Magazine. 2009 Nov./Dec., pp. 24–26.
2. Hilgraf P. Quality improvement of β-plasters. Cement
Lime Gypsum (ZKG). 2011. No. 6, pp. 38–50.
3. Lübbert B. Packing Machines for Gypsum. Global
Gypsum Conference. Las Vegas, 17–18 October 2011.
L.I. SYCHEVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), D.V. AMELINA, Еngineer
University of Chemical Technology of Russia named after D.I. Mendeleev (9, Miusskaya Square, 125047, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Influence of Heat Treatment on Building-Technical Properties of Products of Gypsum Dehydration
The composition and quantity of products of gypsum stone dehydration within the temperature interval of 140–350оC are determined. The interconnection of the composition of multiphase
gypsum binder with its building-technical properties is shown. The specific surface of gypsum binder changes step-by-step in accordance with phase transitions taking place in
the course of its production. The increase in time of heat treatment of gypsum stone leads to the significant change of the phase composition of gypsum binder and the increase of the
part of soluble anhydrite. The influence of the soluble anhydrite on properties of multiphase gypsum binder is determined. The appearance of soluble anhydrite in products of heat treatment
of gypsum stone does not lead to the increase in the specific surface and normal consistency but prolongs the time of gypsum binder setting. It is shown as the phase composition
of gypsum binders changes when storing under natural conditions.
Keywords: multiphase gypsum binder, soluble anhydrite, products of gypsum dehydration.
1. Nowak S., Fischer H.-B. Mechanismen der Alterung –
Wasserdampfaufnahme und Auswirkung auf die
Reaktivität von Calciumsulfatbindemitteln. 1 Weimarer
Gipstagung. 2011, pp. 25–34.
2. Trettin R., Pritzel C. Bildung von Anhydrit und totgebrannten
Gips. Weimar Gypsum Conference. 2014,
pp. 47–54.
3. Gontar YU.V., Chalovа A.I., Buryanov A.F. Dry-mixes
mortars on the basis mixes on the basis of plaster and anhydrite
[Sukhie stroitel’nye smesi na osnove gipsa i angidrita].
M.: De Nova, 2010, pp. 62–66.
4. Lesovik V.S., Chernysheva N.V., Klimenko V.G.
Structurization processes the gupsumcontaining of
composites taking into account raw materials genesis.
Izvestiya vuzov. Stroitel’stvo. 2012 . No. 4, pp. 3–11.
(In Russian).
5. Klimenko V. G. Anhydrite solidification activating agent
based on plaster prebaking products. Izvestiya vuzov.
Stroitel’stvo. 2011 . No. 4, pp. 21–28. (In Russian).
N.V. CHERNYSHEVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (46, Kostyukov Street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation)
The Use of Anthropogenic Raw Materials for Increase of Water Resistance of a Composite Gypsum Binder
Results of pilot studies of a composite gypsum binder of increased water resistance with an active mineral additive from anthropogenic raw materials– waste of wet magnetic
separation of ferruginous quartzite (waste of WMS) are presented. The model of structure formation of the composite gypsum binder, consisting in a fast set of system durability
is offered. At the first stage (in 2 h) the fast set of system durability is carried out due to the synthesis of large crystals of the calcium sulfate dehydrate, which is at the same
time executes the function of regulation of early stiffening. At the following stage (to 7 days) in the earlier created structure, as a result of hydration of clinker minerals, the formation
of a new type of microstructure organized in a define way due to the crystallization growth of slightly soluble mineralizing micro-dimensional low-basic calcium hydrosilicates
compacting the structure takes place. In the general gel-like mass, thread-like formations of different morphology and sizes are formed. The structure consolidation plays a
large role at this stage. Crystallization of earlier created objects favours the self-consolidation of the system of different morphogenetic types of micro-dimensional crystal formations
which form is set at the precrystallization (second) stage. In parallel, new formations of the second generation of calcium hydrosilicate are formed due to interaction of
Portland cement segregated in the course of hydration of alite with X-ray amorphous particles of mineral additives, which depend on genetic peculiarities of silica, with their following
Keywords: composite gypsum binder, mineral additives, waste of WMS, structurization.
1. Lesovik V.S. Architectural geonik. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo
[Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 1, pp. 9–12.
(In Russian).
2. Lesovik V.S. Povyshenie jeffektivnosti proizvodstva
stroitel’nyh materialov s uchetom genezisa gornyh porod
[Improving the efficiency of the production of building
materials with regard to the genesis of rocks]. Moscow:
АSV. 2006. 526 p.
3. Lesovik V.S., Chernysheva N.V., Eleyan Issa Jamal Issa,
Drebezgova M.Y. Еffective composite gypsum binders on
the basis of raw materials from the middle east countries.
Advances in Natural anl Applied Scienes. 2014. No. 8,
рр. 363–372.
4. Korovyakov V.F. Prospects for production and use in
construction waterproof gypsum binders and products.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2008.
No. 3, pp. 67–68. (In Russian).
5. Lesovik V.S., Chernysheva N.V., Klimenko V.G.
Structure formation processes of gypsum-containing
composites based on the genesis of raw materials. Izvestija
vuzov. Stroitel’stvo. 2012. No. 4, pp. 3–11. (In Russian).
6. Petropavlovskaya V.B., Bur’yanov A.F., Novichenkova
T.B. Low power gypsum materials and products based on
industrial wastes. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2006. No. 7, pp. 8–9. (In Russian).
7. Belov V.V., Bur’yanov A.F., Yakovlev G.I., Petropavlovskaya
V.B., Fisher H.-B., Maeva I.S., Novichenkova T.B.
Modifikacija struktury i svojstv stroitel’nyh kompozitov
na osnove sul’fata kal’cija [Modification of the structure
and properties of building composites based on calcium
sulfate]. Moscow: De Nova. 2012. 196 p.
I.V. ZHERNOVSKY1, Candidate of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy), A.V. CHEREVATOVA1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering),
E.V. VOYTOVICH1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering); A.D. KSENOFONTOV2, Candidate of Sciences (Chemistry)
1 Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (46, Kosyukova Street, 308012, Belgorod, Russian Federation)
2 Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (1, Leninskie Gory, 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Heat Resistance of Composite Binder of CaO-SO3-SiO2-H2O System
Issues of thermal transformation of a phase composition of gypsum and composite nano-structured gypsum binder are considered. It is shown that the formation of silicate and sulfosilicate
mineral phases in the CaO-SO3-SiO2-H2O system favours the decrease of crystal phase volume in the binder under the thermal impact that increases the resistance of material to
destructive processes at high temperature. In particular, the change of the volume of crystal phases at thermal phase transformation of the sulfosilicate calcium binder at T=1000оC is
close to the unit in contrast to the gypsum binder when almost a four-fold reduction of crystal phases volume is observed that is a reason for destructive processes. It is concluded that it
is reasonable to expand the CaO-SO3-H2O binding system up to CaO-SO3-SiO2-H2O by means of incorporation of reactive silica, for equalization, due to the formation of sulfur-silicate and
silicate phases of calcium, molecular volumes of binder in the initial state and after thermal effects which lead to dehydration and desulfatation transformation of the phase composition.
Keywords: composite sulfosilicate binder, heat resistance, thermal transformation, transformation of phase composition, optimal-structured matrix, hydroxyellestadite, buffer new formations,
nano-structured binder, reactive silica
1. Strokova V.V., Cherevatova A.V., Zhernovsky I.V.,
Voytovich E.V. Peculiarities of Phase Formation in a
Composite Nanostructured Gypsum Binder. Stroitel`nye
Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 7, pp.
9–11. (In Russian).
2. Ramachandran V.S. Primenenie differentsial’nogo termicheskogo
analiza v khimii tsementov [Application of
Differential Thermal Analysis in cement chemistry].
Moscow: Stroiizdat. 1977. 408 p.
3. Shestak Y. Teoriya termicheskogo analiza: Fizikokhimicheskie
svoistva tverdykh neorganicheskikh
veshchestv [Theory of chemical analysis: Physical and
chemical properties of nonorganic solids]. Moscow: Mir.
1987. 456 p.
4. Cherevatova A.V., Zhernovsky I.V., Strokova V.V.
Mineral’nye nanostrukturirovannye vyazhushchie.
Priroda, tekhnologiya i perspektivy primeneniya [Mineral
nanostructured binders. Nature, technology and prospective
of application]. Saarbrucken: LAM LAMBERT
Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG. 2011. 170 p.
5. Solovyov L.A. Full-profile refinement by derivative difference
minimization. Journal of Applied Crystallography.
2004. No. 37, pp. 743–749.
6. Yamnova N.A., Zubkova N.V., Eremin N.N.,
Zadov A.E. Crystal structures of larnite β-Са2SiO4 and
lime-olivine as natural α- and β-polymorphous modifications
of dicalcium orthosilicate. Features of structural
transformations glaserite-arcanite-olivine. Working
Papers V Intrernational Symposium: Mineral Diversity.
Research and Preservation. Earth and Man Foundation.
Sofia, Bulgaria. 2009, pp. 181–192.
A.V. KOCHETKOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Academician, Member of the Presidium of the Russian Transport Academy,
Chief Expert of FGUP “ROSDORNII”, L.V. YANKOVSKY, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29, Komsomolsky Avenue, 614990, Perm, Russian Federation)
Prospects of Development and Actual Problems of Road Science
Road science has a positive influence on the operation of road facilities. A number of comprehensive studies on the improvement of normative-technical base which made it possible to
lay, at the modern level, claims to the development of technological processes, road building materials, methods for their testing and execution of works were carried out. Road science
actively participates in forming directions of development and improvement of road facilities. State, branch and regional road programs previously approved have been developed with
its participation. However, the scientific potential of road facilities is realized not fully, its coordination and concentration on main directions are insufficient. It is necessary to develop
the road science with due regard for selected critical components on the basis of development and implementation of medium-term target programs and annual plans of scientific
research, development of new equipment and implementation of achievements of scientific-technical progress.
Keywords: road science, prospects of development, innovative activity, automobile roads, fundamental and applied studies.
1. Arzhanukhina S.P., Sukhov A.A., Kochetkov A.V.,
Karpeev S.V. Normative state support of innovation
road sector. Kachestvo. Innovatsii. Obrazovanie. 2010.
No. 9, pp. 40–44. (In Russian).
2. Karpeev S.V., Sukhov A.A., Arzhanukhina S.P.,
Kokodeeva N.E. Economic efficiency of activity of
road services operating control authorities in the field of
adoption of new technologies, technique and materials.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010.
No. 5, pp. 4–7. (In Russian).
3. Arzhanukhina S.P., Sukhov A.A., Kochetkov A.V.
Regulatory and methodological support the development
of innovation in the road sector. Innovatsii. 2011.
No. 7, pp. 90–93. (In Russian).
4. Khodzhaeva N.B. Analysis of the problems of development
of innovative activities in the road sector. Vestnik
Saratovskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta.
2013. Vol. 2. No. 2(71), pp. 258–262.
(In Russian).
5. Zel’tser R.I. An innovative approach to reducing the cost
of road construction and maintenance of roads. Innovatsii
v zhizn’. 2013. No. 1(3), pp. 28–38. (In Russian).
A.G. EVGEN’EVA, Engineer
Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University (64, Leningradsky Avenue, Moscow, 125319, Russian Federation)
Rehabilitation of Motor-Roads of the Far Eastern Federal District after Water-flood of 2013
Issues associated with the restoration of motor roads network of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) after water-flood of 2013 are considered. The information about the length of
destroyed sections of federal motor roads, motor roads of regional and local significance is presented. The description of three stages of restoration of the road network of the region is
given. The necessity of the use of technology of cold/hot regeneration of road pavement for a speedy recovery of transport links in FEFD is represented. Examples of the successful use
of cold recycling on the road of FEFD are presented as a technical efficient and resource saving technology. The amount of repair-restoring works for 2014 and examples of successful
application of modern methods for motor roads repair are presented. Technical possibilities of modern recyclers are shown.
Keywords: cold recycling, water-flood, repair, normative state, thin-layers.
1. Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental
Monitoring. Causes of a catastrophic flood occasion on
the Amur river in 2013. Official press-release 10.09.2013. (Date of
application 12.06.2014). (In Russian).
2. MinTrans RF: Meeting of the operation group on the issues
of the DFO transport infrastructure rehabilitation.
ID=21274. (Date of application 12.06.2014). (In Russian).
3. Rosavtodor: Meeting on the issues of the DFO transport
infrastructure rehabilitation.
157/387/7070.html. (Date of application 12.06.2014).
(In Russian).
4. Verbatim report. Meeting on the issues of the progress
works in the field of DFO transport infrastructure rehabilitation.
(Date of application 12.06.2014). (In Russian).
5. Rudenskii A.V. Options for energy savings during the
production and usage of road-construction materials.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010.
No. 10, pp. 16–18. (In Russian).
6. Merenkova E. German quality for Russian roads.
Napravlenie – Dal’nii Vostok. 2013. No. 10 (49). http://ndv.
magazineArticle=481 (Date of application 12.06.2014).
(In Russian).
7. Karpenko O. Development of the road network in DVFO
– key development point for the region. DFObzor. 2013.
No. 12, pp. 7.
avtomobilnyix-dorogdvfo.html (Date of application
12.06.2014). (In Russian).
8. Rosavtodor: information of the press relations service of FKU
DSD «Far East»
html (Date of application 12.06.2014). (In Russian).
9. Wide panorama of the «narrow» issue. Avtomobil’nye
dorogi. 2013. No. 10 (983) http://www.avtodorogi-magazine.
ru/2013-10-10/magistral/panorama.html (Date of
application 12.06.2014). (In Russian).
10. Pototskii V. Strategic benchmark – applied science.
Napravlenie – Dal’nii Vostok. 2013. No. 4 (43). http://ndv.
magazineArticle=328 (Date of application 12.06.2014).
(In Russian).
B.A. BONDAREV1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), A.B. BONDAREV2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
R.Yu. SAPRYKIN1, Еngineer, F.N. KORVYAKOV1, Еngineer
1 Lipetsk State Technical University (30, Moskovskaya Street, 398600, Lipetsk, Russian Federation)
2 OOO “LipetskNITSstroyproekt” (15, Balmochnykh Street, 398002, Lipetsk, Russian Federation)
Method of Structural Diagrams and Vibrocreep of Polymeric Composite Materials
It is shown that in the course of development of vibrocreep deformations which develop in materials under cyclic loadings it is possible to mark out three stages: transient, steady-state
and accelerated (avalanche). Depending on the loading level and coefficient of cycle asymmetry the development of vibrocreep deformations may be different. It is concluded about possibility
to use the structural diagrams of a material for analyzing the resistance of polymer concrete to long-term static loads as well as about the possibility to construct structural diagrams
according to the results of cyclic tests; it is determined that the vibrocreep of polymer concrete elements under the cyclic compression follows the general laws of the theory of
viscoelastic bodies creep.
Keywords: vibrocreep, structural diagrams, polymeric composite materials, polymer concrete, static loads, cyclic loads.
B.A. BONDAREV1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), A.B. BONDAREV2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
R.Yu. SAPRYKIN1, Еngineer, F.N. KORVYAKOV1, Еngineer, V.I. KHARCHEVNIKOV3, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
1 Lipetsk State Technical University (30, Moskovskaya Street, 398600, Lipetsk, Russian Federation)
2 OOO “LipetskNITSstroyproekt” (15, Balmochnykh Street, 398002, Lipetsk, Russian Federation)
3 Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy (8, Timiryazeva Street, 394087, Voronezh, Russian Federation)
Forecasting the Cyclic Durability of Railway Sleepers Made of Timber-Glass-Fibre Composite Material
The most typical defects and damages of wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers are presented. The complex approach to the solution of the problem of reliability and workability of
elements of railway sleeper designs has been developed. This approach includes the analysis of conditions of railway sleeper materials, determination of parameters, location and sizes
of defects in the materials of the design has been developed. Methods for elimination of reasons for possible defects in the design of a railway sleeper made of timber-glass-fibre composite
material are proposed. On the basis of experimental studies the values of coefficients of operational conditions of studied polymeric composite materials at different coefficients
of asymmetry of cycles of load application have been obtained.
Keywords: durability, timber-glass-fibre composite material, polymeric composite materials.
1. Kondrashhenko V.N., Harchevnikov V.I., Stоrodubceva
T.N., Bondarev B.A. Drevesnosteklovoloknistye shpaly
[Wood glass-fiber cross ties]. Moscow: Sputnik. 2009. 302 p.
2. Bondarev B.A., Harchevnikov V.I. Vynoslivost’ kompozitsionnykh
materialov v konstruktsiyakh zheleznodorozhnykh
shpal. [Endurance of composites in designs of railway
cross ties]. Lipetsk: LGTU. 2002. 220 p.
3. Borkov P.V., Komarov P.V., Bondarev A.B., Bondarev
B.A. The accelerated method of prediction of longevity of
polymeric composites. Nauchnyj vestnik VGASU.
Stroitel’stvo i arhitektura. 2013. No. 3 (31), pp. 46–51. (In
4. Bondarev B.A., Borkov P.V., Komarov P.V., Bondarev
A.B. The pilot studies of cyclic longevity of polymeric
composites. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija.
2012. No. 6, pp. 20–25. (In Russian).
5. Bondarev A.B., Komarov P.V., Lifincev O.I. Resistance
of polymer and glass-fiber polymer concrete constructions
long and cyclic loads. Nauchnyj vestnik VGASU.
Stroitel’stvo i arhitektura. 2009. No. 1 (3), pp. 92–97. (In
V.S. LESOVIK, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Corresponding member of RAACS, L.Kh. ZAGORODNYUK, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
D.A. BELIKOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), A.Yu. SHCHEKINA, Engineer, A.A. KUPRINA, Engineer
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhova (46, Kostyukov Street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation)
Efficient Dry Mixes for Repair and Restoration Works
On the basis of literature data and accumulated experience, the classification of dry building mixes for repair and restoration works is offered. In the course of development of repair and
restoration compositions with preset operational properties main propositions of geonik and the law affinity structures formulated within the frame of this scientific direction are used.
The law affinity structures is based on cause-and-effect relations, their interaction which determine properties of the common system as a whole. Dry repair heat-protective solutions
have been developed with due regard for the law affinity structures. Expanded perlite sand is used as a filler. Complex organic-mineral modifier which makes it possible to control the
processes of structure formation in the course of repair mixes hardening and add increased chemical activity to the system has been obtained. Repair compositions on the basis of raw
material recourses of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly and the developed complex organic-mineral modifier are offered. Microphotographies of contact zones of repair compositions on various
bases are presented Results of the electronic microscopic studies are fully confirmed by results of physical-mechanical tests which testify high density and strength of contacts of
repair compositions with the base.
Keywords: dry mixes for repair and restoration works, geonik, law affinity structures.
1. Ovchinnikov I.I. Migunov V.N., Skachkov Yu.P. Stresscorrosion
fracture of reinforced concrete construction at
joint action of chloride corrosion and carbonization.
Regional’naya arkhitektura i stroitel’stvo. 2012. No. 2 (13),
pp. 72–78. (In Russian).
2. Rosenthal N.K. Problems of corrosion damage of concrete.
Beton i zhelezobeton. No. 6, pp 29-31. (In Russian).
3. Selyaev V.P., Neverov V.A., Oshkina L.M., Selyaev P.V.,
Sorokin E.V. Kechutkina E.L. Resistance of cement
concretes to sulfate corrosion. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 12, pp. 26–31.
(In Russian).
4. Rakhimbayev Sh. M., Tolypina N. M. estimating method of
cement composites corrosion resistance.Vestnik Belgorodskogo
gosudarstvennogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Shukhova.
2012 . No. 3. pp. 23–24. (In Russian).
5. Lesovik V.S., Belentsov Y.A., Kuprina A.A. Geonik provisions
using for structural design, working under dynamic
and seismic loads conditions. Izvestiya vuzov.
Stroitel’stvo. 2013. No. 2–3, pp. 121–126 (In Russian).
6. Lesovik V.S. Architectural geonik. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo
[Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 1. pp. 9–12.
(In Russian).
7. Lesovik V.S., Zagorodnuk L.H., Shkarin A.V., Belikov
D.A., Kuprina A.A. Creating effective insulation solutions,
taking into account the law of affinity structures
in construction materials. World Applied Sciences Journal.
2013. № 24 (11). pp. 1496–1502.
8. Lesovik V.S., Zagorodnyuk L.Kh., Chulkova I.L. Law affinity
structures in materials science. Fundamental’nye issledovaniya.
2014. No. 3. Part 2, pp. 267–271. (In Russian).
9. Uniform state register of cultural heritage (monuments of
history and culture) of the Russian Federation and the
state accounting objects of historical and cultural value.
(Date of access 25.02.2014).
S.V. FEDOSOV1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Academician of RAACS, President; V.G. KOTLOV2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Counsellor of
RAACS; R.M. ALOYAN1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Corresponding Member of RAACS, Rector; F.N.YASINSKI3, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and
Mathematics); M.V.BOCHKOV1, Engineer
1 Ivanovo State Polytechnical University (20, Mart 8th Street, Ivanovo,153037, Russian Federation)
2 Volga State University of Technology (3, Lenin Square, Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El, 424000, Russian Federation)
3 Ivanovo State Power Engineering University (34, Rabfakovskaya Street, Ivanovo, 153003, Russian Federation)
Simulation of Heat-and-Mass Transfer in Gas-Solid System at Nailed Connection of Timber Structures Elements.
Part 1. General Physical-Mathematical Statement of Problem
A physical-mathematical boundary problem of heat and substance mass (moisture) transfer in elements of timber structures connected by a metal dowel and operating in the air environment
with variable thermo-physical parameters (temperature and relative humidity) at moisture phase transitions (evaporation, condensation) is formulated. Boundary problems of
heat-and-humidity conductivity in timber based on the differential equations in partial derivatives of parabolic type with boundary conditions of the first and second kinds are taken as a
basis of mathematical models of studied processes of heat-and-mass transfer. Basic peculiarity of the proposed calculation algorithm is an account of considerable non-linearity of the
function which determines the initial distribution of temperatures and moisture contents.
Keywords: nailed connection, timber structures elements, heat-and-moisture transfer, gas-solid system.
1. Nekrasov A.S., Golubev V.K. Effektivnost’ kompleksnogo
ispol’zovaniya dereva v stroitel’stve [Effectiveness of
the integrated use of wood in construction]. Moscow:
Stroiizdat, 1985. 334 p.
2. Titunin A.A., Zaitseva K.V. Proektirovanie i proizvodstvo
stroitel’nykh materialov iz drevisiny. Kompleksnyi podkhod.
[Design and manufacture of building materials from
hardwood. Integrated approach]. Kostroma: KGTU,
2009. 185 p.
3. Lykov A.V., Mikhailov Yu.A. Teoriya teplo- i massoperenosa
[Theory of heat and mass transfer]. Moscow-
Leningrad: Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 536 p.
4. Bogoslovskiy V.N., Stroitel’naya teplofizika [Construction
Thermal Physics]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1982.
416 p.
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D.V. ORESHKIN, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), V.S. SEMENOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)
Modern Materials And Sistems In The Construction Are Perspective Direction Of Teaching Of Construction Specialties
The methodical questions of teaching of disciplines “Construction Materials”, “Modern materials and systems in the construction” in construction engineering institutions are considered.
The necessity of teaching of discipline “Modern materials and systems in the Construction” to the students who are training in ICC faculty is proved. The main competences
formed at students at studying of this discipline are given in article. Methodical instructions are given to the teacher.” Universal definition of concept “construction system” is formulated.
Definition of concept “complete construction system” is offered. Experience of teaching of discipline “Modern materials and systems in construction” in the Moscow State University
of Civil Engineering is considered. The list of lectures, methodical bases of settlement and graphic work are provided. It is shown that a such scheme of teaching in higher education
institutions is the perspective direction and gives the chance to train the qualified experts in construction branch.
Keywords: construction materials, construction systems, modern materials, construction education, industrial and civil engineering.
1. Oreshkin D.V. Problems of building materiology and
production of building materials. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2010. No. 11, рp. 6–8. (In
2. Gagarin V.G., Dmitriev K.A. Accounting heat engineering
heterogeneities when assessing the thermal protection
of enveloping structures in Russia and European
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3. Gagarin V.G., Pastushkov P.P. Quantitative assessment
of energy efficiency of energy saving measures. Stroitel’nye
Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 6, рp. 7–9.
(In Russian).
4. Oreshkin D.V. Light-weight and superlight cement mortars
for construction. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2010. No. 6, рp. 34–37. (In Russian).
5. Samarin O.D. Rationing of building power consumption
taking into account the heat input from solar radiation.
Zhilishhnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013.
No. 1, рp. 32–34. (In Russian).
6. Oreshkin D.V., Belyaev K.V., Semenov V.S. Thermophysical
properties, porosity and vapour permeability
of light-weight cement mortars. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2010. No. 8, рp. 51–54.
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7. Samarin O.D. Teplofizika. Energosberezhenie. Energojeffektivnost
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8. Samarin O.D., Vinsky P.V.. Features of heat transfer in
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[Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 10, рp. 11–13. (In
9. Semenov V.S., Rozovskaya T.A., Oreshkin D.V.
Metodicheskie ukazanija k vypolneniju samostojatel’noj
raboty po kursam «Sovremennye materialy i sistemy v
stroitel’stve», «Sovremennye materialy v stroitel’stve»,
«Sovremennye stroitel’nye sistemy» [Methodical instructions
to carry out extracurricular work on the courses
“Modern materials and systems in the construction”,
“Modern materials in construction”, “Modern construction
systems”]. Moscow: MISI–MGSU. 2014. 32 p. (In
10. Jenciklopedicheskij slovar’ [Encyclopedic Dictionary].
Moscow: Bol’shaja Rossijskaja jenciklopedija. 2011.
1519 p. (In Russian).